Manual chainsawIs there a way to carry a chainsaw in your kayak? I never found a easy way to carry something useful with me until I tested a manual chainsaw. It's really as efficient as a rigid saw but easier to use and a way smaller in your kayak.


In my local runs I normally found trees into the river bed. Sometime they are dangerous and removing them, is always a good action for yourself and all the kayakers. After I've tried few models of saw, I definitely found a good solution easy to carry every-time in the river.

I found this survival manual chainsaw in a military shop in Voss (Norway) and I decided to test it in a real situation. I tried to cut a log 10 cm wide and it took 2 min and not much hard work involved. Comparing with other manual saw this tools it's much easier and efficient.

The only problem I found is that sometimes, at the end of the cut, the chain can get blocked into the cut and it was hard to take it off. However, in the river, you don't really want to have a clean cut and a good kick can finish normally the job! With some training you could probably learn some tricks to avoid it.


  • it's very easy to carry, small and light (no more than 100g)
  • the cutting position is quite comfortable especially for big log
  • it's very fast especially in the first 90% of the cut
  • very cheap


  • when the remain wood it's small (around 2-3 cm), the cutting process is getting a bit harder because you need to wide your hands
  • sometimes the chain could get stuck in the cut if the tree start to bend


Manual chainsaw kayak